Biedrība “Ērmaņu muiža” dibināta 2010. gadā ar mērķi atjaunot Ērmaņu muižas kungu māju tās vēsturiskajā izskatā un izveidot klasicisma kultūras centru. Muiža atrodas Latvijas Ziemeļaustrumos pie Igaunijas un Krievijas robežas Alūksnes novada Malienas pagastā. Ērmaņu muižas kungu māja ir viens no izcilākajiem 19. gs. koka arhitektūras pieminekļiem Latvijā.
Portika logs
piektdiena, 2020. gada 8. maijs
ceturtdiena, 2020. gada 7. maijs
Conversation with Bach
Live stream concert "Conversation with Bach"
Ieva Saliete (harpsichord) & Matiss Cudars (electric guitar) 16th of May 6 PM (18:00) local time / EEST time zone @ Ermanu muiza
NGO "Ermanu muiza" is announcing a live stream concert on the occasion of the opening of its 10th concert season
"Conversation with Bach" featuring two luminaries of our current contemporary music scene Ieva Saliete (harpsichord) & Matiss Cudars (electric guitar)
Ermanu muiza is a small historical 1820s wooden manor located in a remote area that is close to both the Estonian border and the EU border with Russia.
To be a part of this unique concert you can access the live stream:
1) make a donation (minimum 5 EUR) to:
Recipient: 'Ermanu muiza’, biedriba [Reg. Nr. 40008162368],
Swedbank - IBAN: LV85HABA0551034630979, SWIFT code: HABALV22
PayPal - email:
2) send the info about your payment and your Facebook name to
3) Ermanu muiza will send you a link to join the Facebook group called Saruna ar Bahu, within 24 hours. Your membership will allow you to access the live stream site. If you don't see our message within 24 hours please check your spam.
N.B. if you are busy during the time of the concert - please kindly donate now and you will be able to access the concert all summer until the 30th of August.
Don’t forget to join the group without delay - as 2 hours before and during the live stream concert bookings will be closed! However, new members will be accepted AFTER the concert for post concert viewing.
Thank you so much for supporting our artists’ creativity during these challenging times!
In the programme: XVIII century baroque music by J. S. Bach interacting with XXI century contemporaryjazz and improvisation music paradigms - ambient sonorisms, rhythmic formulas etc.
Sound will be mixed by the phenomenal sound engineer and baroque instrument builder Kaspars Putrins.
Let us meet (for now) digitally!
Ugis Praulins, chairman of the board (also a composer & musician).
NGO Ermanu muiza. Ermanu muiza, LV-4359, Latvia (Malienas pagasts, Aluksnes novads)
Renovation, concerts, exhibitions, national heritage.
+371 26495024 Inga & +371 29286537 Ugis.
Suported by VKKF
Ieva Saliete (harpsichord) & Matiss Cudars (electric guitar) 16th of May 6 PM (18:00) local time / EEST time zone @ Ermanu muiza
NGO "Ermanu muiza" is announcing a live stream concert on the occasion of the opening of its 10th concert season
"Conversation with Bach" featuring two luminaries of our current contemporary music scene Ieva Saliete (harpsichord) & Matiss Cudars (electric guitar)
Ermanu muiza is a small historical 1820s wooden manor located in a remote area that is close to both the Estonian border and the EU border with Russia.
To be a part of this unique concert you can access the live stream:
1) make a donation (minimum 5 EUR) to:
Recipient: 'Ermanu muiza’, biedriba [Reg. Nr. 40008162368],
Swedbank - IBAN: LV85HABA0551034630979, SWIFT code: HABALV22
PayPal - email:
2) send the info about your payment and your Facebook name to
3) Ermanu muiza will send you a link to join the Facebook group called Saruna ar Bahu, within 24 hours. Your membership will allow you to access the live stream site. If you don't see our message within 24 hours please check your spam.
N.B. if you are busy during the time of the concert - please kindly donate now and you will be able to access the concert all summer until the 30th of August.
Don’t forget to join the group without delay - as 2 hours before and during the live stream concert bookings will be closed! However, new members will be accepted AFTER the concert for post concert viewing.
Thank you so much for supporting our artists’ creativity during these challenging times!
In the programme: XVIII century baroque music by J. S. Bach interacting with XXI century contemporaryjazz and improvisation music paradigms - ambient sonorisms, rhythmic formulas etc.
Sound will be mixed by the phenomenal sound engineer and baroque instrument builder Kaspars Putrins.
Let us meet (for now) digitally!
Ugis Praulins, chairman of the board (also a composer & musician).
NGO Ermanu muiza. Ermanu muiza, LV-4359, Latvia (Malienas pagasts, Aluksnes novads)
Renovation, concerts, exhibitions, national heritage.
+371 26495024 Inga & +371 29286537 Ugis.
Suported by VKKF
otrdiena, 2020. gada 5. maijs
Sezonas 2020 atklāšana
2020. gada 16. maijā 18.00 Ērmaņu muižā notiks Sezonas 2020 atklāšanas tiešraide - koncerts
"Saruna ar Bahu" Muzicēs fantastiskie mūziķi Ieva Saliete (klavesīns) un Matīss Čudars (ģitāra). Tā būs saruna skaņās pāri laikmetiem un robežām, Baha drosmīgajiem un pārsteidzoši brīvajiem muzikālās domas izteiksmes meklējumiem ar mūslaiku cilvēka garīgajām alkām pēc pārlaicīgi skaistā un netveramā. Ievas Salietes spēlēto Baha prelūdiju un fantāziju iedvesmotas, 21. gadsimta stīginstrumentu karalienes ģitāras skaņās dzims Matīsa Čudara apceres par Bahu.
Par ziedojumiem piedāvājam ikvienam interesentam redzēt un klausīties koncerta tiešraidi no Ērmaņu muižas (ziedojuma minimālā summa 5 EUR, biedrība "Ērmaņu muiža", reģ. Nr. 40008162368, Swedbank LV85HABA0551034630979, SWIFT kods HABALV22, pieejams arī Paypal: epasts Lūgums uz e-pastu: atsūtīt paziņojumu par ziedojuma veikšanu, pretī uz savu e-pastu saņemsiet tiešraides straumēšanas saiti. Tiksimies digitālajā koncertvidē!
Ja līdz 16. maijam būs mainījušies pulcēšanās nosacījumi un būs iespēja koncertu klausīties klātienē, mēs vērsim muižas durvis arī apmeklētājiem.
16. maijā virtuāli tiks atklāta Evijas Džonsones foto izstāde "Pār Dzīvo Rīgu Lauku Muižā". Izstāde muižā mājos līdz rudenim. Mēs ļoti ceram, ka vasara ļaus visiem sajusties brīvākiem un būs iespēja vērt muižas durvis, lai tuvplānā parādītu Evijas noslēpumainās melnbaltās fotogrāfijas. 16. maijā seko līdzi izstādes atklāšanai Facebook.
Koncertu atbalsta VKKF
Ziņas (Atom)